Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Everybody Counts Lesson

We would like to thank Mr. Kakavetsis, Mrs. Lawlor, and Mrs. Moran for coming into our classroom today to conduct an Everybody Counts lesson with our class. The students learned and had an appreciation for various learning disabilities that other students or adults may have. With each of the stations, the parents were able to hold simulations where the students gained a better understanding of what it would be like if you had dyslexia (reading disability), dysgraphia (writing disability), or dyscalculia (math disability). It was such an enlightening experience. Enjoy the pictures from their lessons.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Check Out Our Latest Space Movie!

Throughout Science time, the scientists in Room 116 have been observing, recording and predicting the following questions:

1. Why is there daytime and nighttime?
2. Why does the sun seem to move across the sky during the daytime?
As a result of their findings, the scientists were asked to create models and a short presentation to discuss their findings. Today, I took movie footage of their presentations for you to view. This movie footage may also help the students to answer the two questions on their Science Family Link paper that is due tomorrow.