Thursday, August 28, 2014

Parent Night is Thursday, August 28th!

I hope that your child is having a terrific first week in third grade! As a reminder, Westgate's Parent Night will be this Thursday, August 28th. During this time, I will be discussing our classroom's curriculum, daily routines, yearly events, and answer any questions you may have.

     Listed below is the evening's agenda. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

6:00-6:30 PM
PE, Art, Music
10-minute information rotations, 6:00PM, 6:10PM and 6:20PM, in the  classrooms

6:30-7:15 PM
Grades 1, 1/2 , 2 AM Kindergarten information sessions in classrooms

7:15-7:45 PM
Principal Welcome, PTA Greeting, and Introductions in Commons

7:45-8:30 PM
Grades, 3, 4, 5 and PM Kindergarten information sessions in classrooms