Saturday, January 30, 2016

Valentine's Party Information

Our Valentine Party will be on Fri., Feb. 12th.  The class has voted to have an ice-cream party! Please click on this link for items that you can volunteer to bring to the party:

Just a heads-up for you early bird shoppers that district policy now states that all Valentine cards must be non-edible.  Sorry, any type of food related treats cannot be attached to the Valentine’s. Also, treat bags will not be allowed to be sent home, per district policy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Way to go Room 212!

For the second week in a row, our class has read the MOST total minutes for the entire school for our Read-a-Thon!  Already, our class has read over 19,000 hours!  Wow!  Amazing!  As a result, we get to keep the winning bear in our classroom again this week.

The round #3 (and last) turn in date is this Thursday, January 14th.